We heard about Fridays for Future a month ago and started filling big sacs with recycled plastic. But this week, a huge international event is about to happen on March 15th: a global school strike against climate change. Unfortunately, we´ve got a local holiday that very day: San Raimundo, Fitero´s saint patron. So anticlimactic… Ummm, great choice of words!!!
But we don´t get discouraged easily… What if we try to do something long-lasting for mother Earth? A one-day strike? No, a whole week of picking up rubish here and there in Corella during PE lessons.
Libia, Juan and Toño -Alhama High School PE teachers- organized the cleaning squads: gloves, big plastic bags and… off we go! We´ve collected tenths of bags full of plastic, organic waste and all kinds of rubish.
The town council has pitched in by placing bins in certain spots like Estanquilla, Estanca and so forth. Thanks a lot!