Tamara Pérez, member of «Buscando sonrisas» (Finding Smiles), visited our small town on Saturday, July 11 with two clear objectives: to learn as much as posible about CWA and to get in contact with our chapter in Corella.

Tamara drove more than three hours from Santander but the experience was absolutely worth it: «It’s been great to feel the warmth and support of Corella’s volunteers, acquire the know-how about CWA and get ready in every single way to start CWA Santander asap.»

Thanks Ascen, Juan Luis and Sando for taking care of Tamara and being so welcoming. She ended up the day very grateful and absolutely delighted.
Next weekend we’ll go to Cantabria to explain CWA principles and to train Santander’s volunteers to pilot a tricycle. We are looking forward to it!!!