We want to introduce you to the Erasmus Spanish teachers this school year: Mari Carmen Felipe (she travelled to Copenhagen in October 2019), Ana Cornago, Jesús Javier Jiménez (a.k.a. «Jota») and Toño Peña, the project coordinator. Our fifth member, Pero J. Ramírez, was in class when we took this picture.
We have a meeting every Friday to coordinate the project activities. Currently, the three topics that keep us busy are…
-Slide shows made and presented by Erasmus students to explain to the youngest school students the nuts and bolts of our project.
-eTwinning: it’s an online collaborative project that we are devising with Randersgades Skole in Copenhagen.
-Metrominuto: it’s a map with lines that connect the most frequently visited places in Corella with walking and biking distances. The students are designing the map with lines and favourite places resembling an underground map. Pontevedra (Spain) was the first city to create one of these special maps.