We’ve finally got the results of the 14 surveys that acoordinators and adults from the 4 countries and 5 associations have filled in:
An Taisce News
Survey results: volunteers who couldn’t travel
These are the results of the 16 surveys that the volunteers who couldn’t travel have filled in:
Surveys results: students who participated in LTTs
These are the results of the survey that 16 volunteers who travelled to Navarra, Dublin or Copenhagen answered:
By Damien O’Tuama Earlier today, Tuesday 30 November 2021, Dr. Damien Ó Tuama, National Cycling Coordinator with Cyclist.ie and An Taisce presented at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action on the topic of electric vehicles. Also presenting were Dr. Colm Byrne from Irish Doctors for the Environment, Brian Cooke, Director General of SIMI (Society […]
Survey for adults
Please, fill in this form if you are and adult participant or coordinator: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScn67r3fqjtI1mR2wHSE33M5ZFaf-0bYLGeT9YhGW_UMZn_Mw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Thanks a million!!!
Survey for volunteers who HAVEN’T TRAVELLED
Fill in this form if you are a volunteer who hasn’t travelled yet: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YSEjC7KCyb2IPO0DKoLWH9H3r7LJWTnxPBl24g_fW6U/edit Thanks a million!!!
Survey for volunteers who travelled abroad
Please, fill in this form if you are a volunteer who travelled to Spain, Ireland or Denmark in 2019: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12XVuZ526GqTIqibBV03B9tEEaQ1m0gFDyOCQufcllhM/edit Thanks a million!!!
Bike Circus is back!!
By Justin Grounds Have a look at our last Bike Circus video! Enjoy!
Get to school on your own fuel!
‘Get to School on Your Own Fuel’ is a national initiative led by mothers and grandmothers from across the country, encouraging students and their families to cycle to school and campaigning for safer school routes. Locally, at the Cycle Sense workshop in Skibereen and The Bike Circus in Clonakilty, children were invited to bring their bicycles for a […]
National Bike Week in Clonakilty
National Bike Week runs from 12th-18th September this year so keep your eyes peeled for events near you! “Bike Week will be great this year”’ says Ruth Bullough from Cycle Sense in Skibbereen, “ Our programme includes a Mystery Cycle Buffet, Bike Fun and Art Day at our workshop and taster cycle sessions for adults and […]