Yesterday two girls represented the whole Erasmus volunteers group in the inauguration of El Villar Park. Our Erasmus volunteers participated in every single day we planted trees or set up the irrigation system in El Villar Park. Thanks Erika and Layla for showing up this special day! You rock!!!
SDGs all around!
Aitana and Hamza have explained the presentation about the SDGs for their classmates in 1st of ESO A. Hamz and Aitana took turns to explain the slides and present the videos. They were a great team! One day later, on Tuesday 23, Eneko and Rocío presented the SDGs to their classmates in 1st of ESO […]
Video made and sent!
We had our second video-making workshop on Monday, March 22nd. Five students showed up: Sofía, Elaine, Luis, Ainhoa and Noelia. Sara Barricarte taught the kids to edit the video we had made the previous week. The kids, apparently, had too much chocolate because they were absolutely overexcited. However, they were very creative and helped Sara […]
Entrevista a Layla Samhi en «La torre del Alhama»
Los alumnos y alumnas de 2º de PMAR realizamos una entrevista muy interesante a Layla Samhi, una estudiante del IES Alhama que participa muy activamente en el Erasmus. ¡Os animamos a leerla! P: ¿Nos podrías decir de memoria algunos de los tipos de árboles que hay en Corella? R: Hay muchos: acacias, olmos, moreras y […]
Presenting the SDGs
By Elaine Acosta Last Thursday, March18th, I made a presentation for my classmates about the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals. I presented some slides on the smartboard and asked some questions about their opinions. After presenting de SDGs, we played a UN video that explains briefly and in a fun way the Sustainable Development Goals. […]
Video-editing workshop
By Layla Samhi On Tuesday 16 we went to the Youth Center to do a video editing workshop. Eight Erasmus students (Elaine, Luis, Ainhoa, Noelia, Eneko, Sofía, Aitana and me, Layla), two teachers (Mari Carmen and Toño) and the video expert (Sarta Barricarte) participated. I liked the workshop because it was a very participative activities: […]
Farewell, Albino
Albino, a resident in San José Nursing Home, passed away on Tuesday, March 16th. He was, by far, the most frequently cycled elder in Corella. He enjoyed around fifteen CWA rides. He was very wise and very fun to be with. We’ve made a video to remember him forever:
Finally resuming CWA rides
We are very happy to anounce that this week we’ve resumed CWA rides with our lovely yayacletas. It’s been almost half a year without rides. We, captains, the new pilots and our grateful and extra-nice elders were looking forward to it. The first elders in CWA rides in 2021 have been Guadalupe and Alfonso, the […]
Bases del concurso de logo para bocateras o porta-bocadillos
Introducción El objetivo del concurso es que estudiantes del IES Alhama diseñen un logotipo de bocatera que contenga la palabra Erasmus+ e integre el logo del instituto o deje hueco para colocarlo posteriormente. Categorías Solo hay una categoría: estudiantes del IES Alhama. Plazo El concurso comienza el 16 de marzo y la fecha límite para […]
Biking to Fitero with donated bikes
Pictures by Mohamed Jebbour Four Alhama High School students have taken the last two weekends donated bikes from our project to go for a nice ride to Cintruénigo and Fitero. We are very happy to see that our donated and several-times-fixed bikes help some students have fun in nature, visit friends in neighbouring villages, enjoy […]