We’ve finally got to the end of this long, long road towards plastic-free snacks in Alhama High School. Last year we organized a logo contest so that we had the most attractive and meaningful image for the sandwich wrappers. 13 students participated and five of them reached the finals. Ayoub Saada and Carlos David, two 4th ESO students, got the same points for their designs but Ayoub’s was easier to print and had only one colour. Consequently, we chose Ayoub’s logo and… tada!

Our aim with this sandwich wrapper campaign is to avoid plastic for mid-day snacks, to have cleaner school facilities (specially at break-time), to save money and to raise awareness about environmental issues: zero waste, climate change, consumerism… The whole school has participated in this project: APYMA (parents’ association), Erasmus students and teachers, non-Erasmus students (the five logo contest finalists, for example), the school administration team, etc. Actually, even Amelia, the school cafeteria’s manager, will have her own red sandwich wrappers with her special logo so that the school teachers don’t get confused and return the right sandwich wrapper.
Thanks, Alhama High School community, for this common achievement. HOORAY!!!