By Alicia Díez

Hello everyone! I am Alicia Díez, a Spanish student who’s actually studying a biotechnology bachelor here, in Lithuania. Almost 3 years ago I took part in the first Erasmus international meeting in Spain and it was then when I decided I wanted to study in another country.

Currently, I live in Kaunas, the second-largest city in Lithuania. It’s not like my hometown, it’s much bigger so every day I have to pick buses (very cheap buses) to attend my face-to-face lessons. I stay in my university’s dormitory and I love it because I have met people from every part of the world: Japan, China, Italy, Germany, Hungary… One thing that surprised me is the closeness to the professors (at least in my experience) and also the low price of the public transport.

Also every weekend I go to Kazlų Rūda to meet my Erasmus friends. If they do any activity here, I love to join them. When I am there I usually go to play basketball, the easiest way to discover who’s not from Lithuania 😉 Besides, I like to go sightseeing: lakes, carved wooden benches, churches…
Finally, I have to say that is much easier to be a full-time student in another country than it looks like. If, for instance, Lithuania is the county you like, browse this website: If any of you need help or information, don’t be afraid to contact me.