By Layla Sahmi We held our 7th CWA pilot training course on Saturday, March 13th. Twelve new pilots participated in the course and three more trained pilots took advantage to practice with our two tricycles. Cristina did a very interesting and thorough presentation about CWA for nine new pilots while some trained pilots practiced with […]
7th CWA pilot training course
We are having our 7th CWA pilot training this Saturday, March 13th, at 10:00 or 11:30. Click on the link to sign in:
Video-editing and journalism workshop
By Noelia Fernández On Friday some of my friends told me if I wanted to be interviewed to record a video answering some questions about social inequalities between men and women. I accepted, of course! An introduction was also recorded saying if we still had a way to go until we reached equality. After recording […]
What the hell is that?
That’s what so many people are asking us lately: what the hell are they building in «El Sotillo»? Currently, so many people ignore that «El Sotillo» is going to become «Erasmus Park» shortly. We planted eight elm trees in March 2019 and now the town council is laying the foundations of the pergola. In the […]
Replanting vandalized trees
On Saturday night, February 21, a driver run over 12 trees in El Villar area, where Biciclistas de Corella planted 315 trees with the help of sooooo many Erasmus students. That evil driver broke two trees and damaged 10 more. Unfortunately, four more trees were vandalized in Camino Bajo del Villar. The town council planted […]
Pergola foundations laid
Our Erasmus Park is developing step by step. We planted eight elm trees when our European partners visited us in March 2019 and now the pergola foundations have been laid. The pergola will be set up the next days and we’ll go on embelishing and planting trees in the Erasmus Park.
Devising an SDGs presentation
Last Friday, February 12th, we gathered in the evening in the PE Department with two objectives: to interview Ole Kassow (Alejandra and Doa were the wannabe journalists) and to devise a presentation about the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, were born at the United Nations General Assembly […]
Interviewing Ole Kassow
Doa and Alejandra, two Erasmus students, interviewed Ole Kassow, Cycling Without Age founder. They asked questions about Ole’s life, the pandemic, the way CWA is evolving… Just enjoy!!!
Our project, extended 4 months
We’ve had an online meeting today to provide updates, share our achievements and future activities and so forth. As we can not meet personally, online meetings will do! We are in the middle of a terrible pandemic that doesn’t allow us to travel abroad –almost anywhere, actually. Wishing that things at the end of this […]
Cycle Parking Grant
By Laura Astori Green-Schools Travel provides schools the opportunity to apply for a grant that will cover the supply and the installation of cycle parking at their school. An online application form is accessible for all schools that would like to apply for a cycle parking grant and its divided into 4 sections that identify […]