The trip we had organized and booked (bus, accommodation and activities) has unfortunately been postponed. Covid situation is not good enough yet and the school department doesn’t allow any trips till next September. We’ll keep you posted!
IES Alhama News
The best two logos
Seven teachers have already cast their votes and we have achieved a unanimous result. Ayoub’s and Carlos’ logos have been voted the best projects and will be on the sandwich wrapper in the next school year. The black logo was designed by Ayoub Saada and the yellow by Carlos Taveras. Congratulations to both!!!
Two more bikes on Corella’s streets
We’ve got a very special visit today. Manuel, a sesonal worker who comes every year to Corella to harvest asparagus and artichokes, brought two kids (12 and 16) who needed a bike each. Somebody mentioned our Erasmus and the donated bikes campaign, the do-it-yourself bike repair workshops, the bike room… and Manuel showed up out […]
Celebrating richness in diversity
Thanks to Aitana, Sofía, Luis, Ainhoa, Eneko, Noelia, Layla and Elaine for two very intense and fun evenings to make this video that celebrates richness in diversity. The process and the final result is quintessencially Erasmus. We want to send a big hug and our special thanks to Sara Barricarte for her patience, know-how, and […]
Recicleta Ribera makes our day
We´ve had a very useful and fun do-it-yourself bike repair workshop in Tudela today. Our twin association in Tudela, Recicleta Ribera, has created a very special workshop in El Molinar building. The place is full of bikes, bike parts, tools and, last but not least, very passionate volunteers to give a helping hand and tips […]
Shortlisted sandwich wrapper logos
The Erasmus sandwich logo contest is coming to an end. There’s been 14 participants, who have presented 20 logos overall. As specified in the contest rules, seven teachers (one from the Plastic and Visual Arts Department, one from the school management team and the five Erasmus teachers) will vote to choose the best logo among […]
On-the-spot volunteers!
We’ve have a bunch of unexpected volunteers to water the bushes (salix caprea) today. Iago, Natalia, Amaya, Delia, Miriam and Naiara gave a helping hand, becoming on-the-spot volunteers. Layla and Lourdes couldn’t miss the activity either, of course. They are somehow drawn to this special place for us: El Villar Park. Today we’ve made circles […]
Watering the bushes
We’ve been watering the 70 salix caprea, the only bushes we have in El Villar Park. They are, besides, the only trees or bushes without irrigation system. It was very important to water the bushes because the last months have been very dry. Layla and Michelle, the most hard-working volunteers ever, have given a helping […]
Erasmus volunteers in Villar park inauguration
Yesterday two girls represented the whole Erasmus volunteers group in the inauguration of El Villar Park. Our Erasmus volunteers participated in every single day we planted trees or set up the irrigation system in El Villar Park. Thanks Erika and Layla for showing up this special day! You rock!!!
SDGs all around!
Aitana and Hamza have explained the presentation about the SDGs for their classmates in 1st of ESO A. Hamz and Aitana took turns to explain the slides and present the videos. They were a great team! One day later, on Tuesday 23, Eneko and Rocío presented the SDGs to their classmates in 1st of ESO […]