Our Lithuanian partners supported us by sending pics in our special week to celebrate Bicycle (June 3) and Environment (June 5) World Days. Thanks a million!!! Here you can enjoy just a few pictures of our Environment Day…
Archives for 2020
Bicycle Day in Corella
As we can’t meet up in groups due to Covid-19 risks, we are celebrating Bicycle Day in an unusual and unexpected way: sharing pictures of ourselves riding our beloved bicycles. The best photos will win special T-shirts designed by Biciclistas. Join us! Our national platform, ConBici, has promoted a bike chain to avoid contact among […]
Jens Erik on Politiken newspaper
The biggest newspaper in Denmark, Politiken, interviewed and explained the role of Jens Erik Larsen in cycling, both as a means of transport and for recreation, on Sunday, May 31st 2020. The cycling history of national and european cycleroutes (namely, EuroVelo network) is closely related to JEL. The article mentions our Erasmus+ project too: https://politiken.dk/rejser/ferieidanmark/art7765892/Jens-Erik-Larsen-er-manden-bag-de-danske-og-europ%C3%A6iske-cykelruter Thanks, […]
LAG Suduva lives a hectic spring
By Reda Kneizeviciene The Sūduva LAG continues to implement the ERASMUS project «Sustainable Mobility – Sustainable Community». Although quarantine has adjusted the activities of the project and the scheduled meeting with partners will not take place in Lithuania in August, the activities are carried out on our blog and in each country individually. Partners from […]
Clonbikefest 2020 ready to roll!
Are you ready to be amazed??? Just click here: https://clonakiltybicyclefestival.org/bikefest2020/
Clonakilty Bicycle Festival 2020 is going Global! June 4th – 8th 2020
By Allison Roberts This year the Clon Bike Fest will widen its spokes, reaching wide and inviting bicycle lovers all over the world to participate in a series of events, online and on your bike – and all of our Erasmus+ friends from Spain, Lithuania, Denmark and Dublin are invited!!! Spread the word to all […]
Cycling on safer and quieter streets
By Allison Phillips Girls from Friary Girl’s National School, Dundalk cycling to school on the two-way cycle lane. Source: Green-Schools I’m sure you can hear it, every time you leave the house for a walk within your 2km radius, it’s quiet. Before the Covid-19 changes, the humming sounds of urban life were a constant ringing in […]
Green-Schools launch Stay Home project
By Rebecca Flannagan Following the temporary closure of schools, Green-Schools havelaunched their latest project Green-Schools Stay Home. https://greenschoolsireland.org/greenschools_stay_home_travel/ Green-Schools Officers around the country are developing new andinteractive activities that students can take part in from within the homeenvironment. Weekly activities and tips, which are suitable for a widerange of age groups, promise to be fun […]
«Cycling against Covid-19» campaign
ConBici, the national platform that unites all the local associations (64 currently) promoting cycling as a means of transport in Spain, has launched a campaign called #EnBiciContraCovid19, «Cycling against Covid-19». We are supporting this campaign designing posters, sending our councils proposals to promote urban cycling, analysing the pros and cons of means of transports in […]
Benefits of cycling
We’ve designed this infographic as part of «Cycling against Covid-19» campaign: #EnBiciContraCovid-19 . It has been used across Spain by ConBici associations, with more than 700 shares on Facebook currently. Thanks, Cristina, for this excellent infographic.