Our brand-new bike repair station has proved to be an excellent tool for Physsical Education lessons. Our students are learning to remove a punctured tube, fix it and put it back. They learn new vocabulary (parts of the wheel and the whole bicycle) and what they need to fix a flat tube: patches, sandpaper and […]
Archives for 2020
New case for our Yayacletas
As we are not allowed, and we must not, use our Yayacletas to give rides to elderly people due to the terrible pandemic we are enduring, we’ve just bought two black cases for our trishaws so that they keep clean and safe. We hope we can resume our rides early in 2021. We are looking […]
EuroVelo 7 and 10 south of Copenhagen inaugurated in sunshine
By Jens Erik Larsen There was tailwind and sunshine on the bike paths on Friday 9 October when about 25 cyclists and a couple of electric 3-wheeled vehicles had turned up at Strandcaféen in Brøndby to inaugurate the rerouted bike routes. Architect Laura Freyberg Petersen welcomed the participants on behalf of Strandparken and gave the […]
And our next project is… metrominuto!!
Three of our Erasmus students have just embarked on a new exciting adventure: metrominuto. Metrominuto is a map of a town or city where key places are highlighted and colourful lines connect those places. Metrominuto looks like an underground or tube map but the lines represent the shortest way to move between the most important […]
Tree planting project with Erasmus volunteers
Today, Saturday, October 30th, we’ve planted 17 trees along a very special trail called Camino Bajo («lower track») in Corella with 35 volunteers, 4 of them Erasmus students: Ilham Abdiadi, Meryem Manssouri, Chihab Garni, and Yasmine Akrim. Apart from planting, we’ve restored an old fountain, «La fuente del piojo» (Louse’s Fountain). Besides, we’ve set up […]
Covid-19 made outdoor life flourish
By Jens Erik Larsen The corona crisis weighs on us all, but also allows for new thinking, and in several ways it can benefit the climate and the environment. The trips abroad are completely abandoned this year. This appliesto our Erasmus+ project, various conferences and research trips as well as our bicycle safaris. For the […]
Erasmus students tell our project to peers
Four students (Manar Attaf, Inés Belahrizi, Doa Elliasmine and Alejandra Gutiérrez ) have visited today two groups of new students to share our project. The two tutors and the students have congratulated the four Erasmus project for their knowledge and passion. A bunch of students have promised to participate in our activities from now on. […]
Bye bye, Yayacleta rides
The pandemic is getting worse and worse in Spain and, especially, in Navarre, our region, the one with most cases in our country by far. Currently, our incidence rate is triple the national average. Due to this worrying situation, we canceled our CWA rides some weeks ago. You can see two pictures of two of […]
Spanish Erasmus teachers
We want to introduce you to the Erasmus Spanish teachers this school year: Mari Carmen Felipe (she travelled to Copenhagen in October 2019), Ana Cornago, Jesús Javier Jiménez (a.k.a. «Jota») and Toño Peña, the project coordinator. Our fifth member, Pero J. Ramírez, was in class when we took this picture. We have a meeting every […]
Surveys in «Ruta saludable»
Our Erasmus students are doing surveys in three points of «Ruta saludable y cultural del Alhama» (Healthy and Cultural Alhama Trail). The government of our region (Gobierno de Navarra) wanted to know to what extent this trail is used and enjoyed by the locals and visitors. These are some findings of the surveys: Thanks, girls, […]