Cristina Gallo, our favourite designer and Jack of all trades, was interviewed on Monday, July 27, by Arturo Téllez in Onda Cero Radio Station. Along with Granada and Melilla, Corella was chosen to start a series of interviews on cities that aim at getting a more sustainable mobility. Cristina explained our Erasmus project and, surprisingly […]
Archives for 2020
Bike maintenance and repair workshop for young people
By Jens Erik Larsen Due to the COVID-19 crises, the Danish Government gave money to local authorities to sponsor summer-activities for children and youngsters. The idea was to give back some knowledge and social life due to the loss from when the schools were closed. At school, you probably do not learn to repair a […]
Training for CWA pilots in the Covid-19 era
We had a meeting and training session with thirteen CWA pilots on Monday, July 20. We explained and discussed the safety measures in the Covid-19 era, the requirements to start a trishaw ride, and so forth. BTW, we are not allowed to take residents from Hogar San José and we’ll give rides only to elders […]
Training and launching CWA Santander
We had a very productive, emotional and enriching weekend with «Buscando sonrisas» (Seeking Smiles) in Santander. On Friday Cristina Gallo and Toño Peña gave theoretical and practical training to ten members, half of them youngsters, of Seeking Smiles. On Saturday there were many events to launch the twelfth chapter of «Cycling Without Age» in Spain, […]
CWA Santander visits Corella
Tamara Pérez, member of «Buscando sonrisas» (Finding Smiles), visited our small town on Saturday, July 11 with two clear objectives: to learn as much as posible about CWA and to get in contact with our chapter in Corella. Tamara drove more than three hours from Santander but the experience was absolutely worth it: «It’s been […]
Transparent screens for Corella’s tricycles
We’ve set a transparent screen to keep pilots and elders apart and safe in these weird times. Of course, when we resume CWA rides we’ll clean the tricycles thoroughly before and after every ride, pilots will wash their hands with hydrogel and everybody (pilots, elders and volunteers) will use masks. BTW, we thank Juan Luis, […]
Clon Bike Cast : An Irish podcast about bikes, cycle advocacy and bike-adventure
The team at the Clonakilty Bicycle Festival started a new podcast this year. Now on it’s 7th episode they started the podcast to spread the news about this year’s festival, and have decide to keep it going on a weekly basis year round! Already on the podcast are interviews with Tahverlee at, Mairead Forsythe (Love30-Ireland), a […]
Meeting in Corella’s town hall
We proposed our town council one month ago to arrange a meeting with associations, schools and the health centre to tackle Covid-19-related issues, sustainable mobility included. The meeting took place on June 15 and dealt just with our mobility proposals. Eleven people, plus three biciclistas (Cristina Gallo, Juan Luis Echarri and Toño Peña) participated. We […]
Wonder Alicia’s video
Alicia Díez has created a video during the Covid-19 lockdown with the participation of youngsters and some adults of the five partnerts. Thanks to all the people who pitched in. This video covers the first threee LTTs in Spain, Ireland and Denmark. Alicia has done a time-consuming and excellent job. Kudos for her!
ClonBikeFest amazes the world
ClonBikeFest 2020 has amazed the world with countless activities for families, children, adults, youths… We’ve seen mermaids on bikes, parades, music, videos with cute bike tricks by passionate skillful children, Wheel Women webinar with 13 panelists from all over the world… Some of our Erasmus female partners pitched in with ClonBikeFest. Pernille Bussone (Foreningen Frie […]